Clinical Gastroenterology Vol.23 No.13(1-4)

Theme Acute Liver Failure and Regenerative Medicine of the Liver
Title Viral Factors Contributing to Fulminant Hepatitis
Publish Date 2008/12
Author Shin Yasui Department of Medicine and Clinical Oncology, Graduate School of Medicine, Chiba University
Author Keiichi Fujiwara Department of Medicine and Clinical Oncology, Graduate School of Medicine, Chiba University
Author Osamu Yokosuka Department of Medicine and Clinical Oncology, Graduate School of Medicine, Chiba University
[ Summary ] Genomic variations in the 5' non-translated region and non-structural proteins 2B and 2C are thought to be associated with the severity of hepatitis in HAV infection in our study. Genomic mutations in the pre-core (nt 1896/1899) and core promoter (nt 1753/1754,1762/1764) regions and the HBV genotype B, HDV coinfection with HBV and super infection on HBV, as well as HEV genotype 4 have been associated with the severity of hepatitis in many studies. HCV is rarely associated with fulminant hepatitis. Both viral and host factors should be considered and examined when discussing the mechanisms responsible for the severity of viral hepatitis.