Clinical Gastroenterology Vol.23 No.1(14)

Theme Therapeutic Strategy for Early Gastrointestinal Cancers with EMR or ESD
Title Treatment Strategy for LST (Laterally Spreading Tumors) Based on Clinicopathological Features
Publish Date 2008/01
Author Toshihiro Kusaka Digestive Disease Center & Center for G1 Endoscopy, Kyoto Katsura Hospital
Author Masashi Yamakawa Digestive Disease Center & Center for G1 Endoscopy, Kyoto Katsura Hospital
Author Takeshi Sakamoto Digestive Disease Center & Center for G1 Endoscopy, Kyoto Katsura Hospital
Author Susumu Matsubara Digestive Disease Center & Center for G1 Endoscopy, Kyoto Katsura Hospital
Author Akihiko Hamada Digestive Disease Center & Center for G1 Endoscopy, Kyoto Katsura Hospital
Author Ayao Torii Digestive Disease Center & Center for G1 Endoscopy, Kyoto Katsura Hospital
[ Summary ] LST are classified into two subtypes ; granular types (LST-G) and non-granular types (LST-NG). Treatment strategies for selecting EMR (endoscopic mucosal resection) or ESD (endoscopic submucosal dissection) or LAC (laparo-assisted colectomy) should be chosen based on the clinicopathological features of individual LST subtypes. The safety and standardization of ESD have not yet been established. In general, most endoscopists recommend that patients having LST-G are the most suitable for EMR that including piecemeal resection. In contrast, most endoscopists recommend that patients with LST-NG should be removed en block because of higher malignancy potential compared to LST-G. In this report, the clinicopathological characters of early colorectal cancers and LST subtypes observed are analyzed, and treatment strategies for LST are reviewed based on our results.