Clinical Gastroenterology Vol.22 No.2(2-2)

Theme Pain Management in Gastrointestinal Cancer
Title Basics of Cancer Pain Relief
Publish Date 2007/02
Author Naoki Matsuo Department of Palliative Care, Saitama Cancer Center
Author Kinomi Yomiya Department of Palliative Care, Saitama Cancer Center
[ Summary ] It has been 20 years since the World Health Organization (WHO) published the Cancer Pain Relief Program guidelines. However, this program remains in limited use in Japan. Established as a standard, effective approach, the WHO guidelines can be used to relieve 80 % to 90 % of cancer pain. The WHO guidelines are based on five principles : (1) by the mouth, (2) by the clock, (3) by the ladder, (4) by the individual and, (5) with attention to detail. Since it does not require any special knowledge or techniques, all Japanese physicians engaged in cancer care should learn these methods as a first priority. This report describes the basics of cancer pain relief with a focus on the WHO guidelines.