Clinical Gastroenterology Vol.22 No.1(5)

Theme Barrett's Esophagus
Title Epidemiology of Barrett's Esophagus and Barrett's Esophageal Carcinoma
Publish Date 2007/01
Author Teruo Kouzu Department of Endoscopic Diagnostics and Therapeutics, Chiba University School of Medicine / Research Center for Frontier Medical Engineering of Chiba University
Author Etsuo Hishikawa Department of Endoscopic Diagnostics and Therapeutics, Chiba University School of Medicine
Author Yoshiyuki Watanabe Department of Endoscopic Diagnostics and Therapeutics, Chiba University School of Medicine
Author Touru Satou Department of Endoscopic Diagnostics and Therapeutics, Chiba University School of Medicine
Author Masahito Inoue Department of Endoscopic Diagnostics and Therapeutics, Chiba University School of Medicine
Author Shinichi Miyazaki Department of Endoscopic Diagnostics and Therapeutics, Chiba University School of Medicine
[ Summary ] Over the past 20 to 30 years, histological diagnoses of esophageal carcinoma have changed from epithelial carcinoma to adenocarcinoma in both Europe and the United States. It has not occured in Asia.
There are very difficult problems in discussing the epidemiology of Barrett's esophagus and Barrett's esophageal carcinoma. One problem is due to the definition of Barrett's esophagus. Although the definition by the Japan Esophageal Society is clear, it is common in Japan to classify an esophagus lined with columnar epithelia as having short segment Barrett's esophagus (SSBE) or long segment Barrett's esophagus (LSBE). The length of these epithelia is, shorter than 3 cm and longer than 3 cm, respectively, measured from the original EG junction. However, the most frequently diagnosed SSBE cases are those with rapid increases in early carcinoma. There is currently a trend to investigate patient conditions, including diagnostic processes made using various endoscopic equipment. The epidemiology of Barrett's esophagus and Barrett's epithelial carcinoma, based on through endoscopies are discussed.