Clinical Gastroenterology Vol.21 No.8(1-2)

Theme Candidate Causes of H. pylori-Negative Gastric Cancer
Title Genetic Predisposition of Japanese Gastric Cancer : Still an Enigma
Publish Date 2006/07
Author Haruhiko Sugimura The First Department of Pathology, Hamamatsu University School of Medicine
[ Summary ] A Mendelian model, with associated environmental factors, corresponds with familial occurrence of gastric cancer in Japan. Associated studies, stratified with matched confounding studies are necessary to identify the responsible genetic polymorphism of gastric cancer, including P 450, detoxifying genes, and repair genes. Typical hereditary diffuse gastric cancer (HDGC) is unknown in Japan. Most anecdotal pedigrees are a waiting further genetic investigation. Genome wide microarray analysis would allow us to identify quantitative risk factors for gastric cancer and eventually identify other, causal factors for familial gastric cancer.