Clinical Gastroenterology Vol.21 No.13(2)

Theme Diagnostic Strategy of Pancreatic Carcinoma in Early Stage
Title Diagnostic Procedure for Pancreatic Cancer in the Early Stage
Publish Date 2006/12
Author Taketo Yamaguchi Department of Medicine and Clinical Oncology, Graduate School of Medicine, Chiba University
Author Kentaro Sudo Department of Gastroenterology, Chiba Cancer Center
Author Katsushi Seza Department of Medicine and Clinical Oncology, Graduate School of Medicine, Chiba University
Author Katsuyuki Tawada Department of Medicine and Clinical Oncology, Graduate School of Medicine, Chiba University
Author Masato Matsuyama Department of Medicine and Clinical Oncology, Graduate School of Medicine, Chiba University
Author Takeshi Ishihara Department of Medicine and Clinical Oncology, Graduate School of Medicine, Chiba University
[ Summary ] Diagnostic procedures for pancreatic cancer were discussed. This condition has poor prognoses, in the early stages. Those who have upper abdominal symptoms, including epigastric pain, should undergo gastrointestinal examinations as well as abdominal ultrasonography (US). When control of diabetes mellitus has worsened or at the onset, patients should be examined with US. Pancreatic enzymes must be checked and occasionally it may be desirable to check tumor markers. The next step includes MRCP and / or MDCT, and if possible, EUS. ERCP and cytology should be performed when these relatively non-invasive examinations cannot produce definitive diagnoses. If the above mentioned procedures fail to deny the existence of pancreatic cancer, surgical options may be pursued with firm consensus of the patient.