Clinical Gastroenterology Vol.20 No.13(2-1)

Theme Therapeutic Colonoscopy -- Recent Advances
Title Stent Endoprosthesis and Transanal Decompression Tube for Colorectal Obstructions
Publish Date 2005/12
Author Yoshinobu Sumiyama Third Departmenf of Surgery, Toho University School of Medicine
Author Yoshihisa Saida Third Departmenf of Surgery, Toho University School of Medicine
[ Summary ] Self-expandable metallic stent (EMS) treatment and decompression tube insertion have recently seen employed for various disease related to colorectal obstructions. Use of EMS was delayed compared with that for other organs. Recently, however, there have been many reports on the use of EMS in colorectal disease, mainly from the West. EMS is generally used as a palliative treatment for malignant strictures of the colon and rectum and bridging to a surgery for obstructing colorectal cancers. Some investigators have reported on the usefulness of EMS for strictures associated with benign diseases. The indications for EMS treatment must be considered carefully because of the lack of long-term results of a foreign body placed permanently within the human body. EMS treatment can eliminate the need for unnecessary palliative and temporary colostomies for patients with colorectal obstructions. EMS will become the standard treatment for colorectal strictures when exclusive colorectal EMS and delivery kits are developed.