Clinical Gastroenterology Vol.19 No.2(8-2)

Theme Guideline for Medical Practice of Gastric Ulcers
Title Guideline for Maintenance Treatment with Non-eradication Therapy for Gastric Ulcers
Publish Date 2004/02
Author Takashi Nakamura Emeritus Professor of Medicine, Teikyo University School of Medicine
[ Summary ] The guideline for maintenance therapy of gastric ulcer is as the following:
1) In gastric ulcer treatment without Helicobacter pylori eradication therapy, maintenance therapy is useful to prevent ulcer recurrence, and therefore it is recommended. (grade A, level II)
2) Drugs, which have been approved for maintenance therapy by placebo-controlled double blind comparative studies, are cimetidine 400mg, 800mg per day, ranitidine 150mg per day, famotidine 20mg per day, roxatidine 75mg per day, nizatidine 150mg per day, sucralfate 2g (non-effective in one report), 3g, 4g per day and lansoprazole 15mg, 30mg per day. (grade A, level II)
3) Evidences are insufficient on the comparison of effectiveness of these drugs and on the merits of combination therapy. (grade C)