Clinical Gastroenterology Vol.18 No.5(1-3)

Theme Primary Biliary Cirrhosis : update 2003
Title Laparoscopic Diagnosis of Primary Biliary Cirrhosis
Publish Date 2003/05
Author Akihiko Ohno Third Department of Internal Medicine, Saitama Medical School
[ Summary ] The distribution of findings for primary biliary cirrhosis (PBC) is not equal in the liver. The progress of the disease also differs from area to area.
Since laboratory and imaging tests have developed greatly in recent years, the number of liver diseases for which laparoscopy is effective in making diagnoses has gradually decreased. However, this method is effective for PBC, as well as autoimmune hepatitis, at the present time.
The characteristic findings for PBC in laparoscopy are as follows: 1) reddish patches, 2) yellowish-white spots, 3) mesh-like white markings, and 4) protuberance formation. The first three findings are observed on smooth and flat surfaces of the liver in the early stages. Protuberance formation, identical to gentle undulations, appears in the next stage. In the cirrhotic stage, low green nodules with broad interstitial fibrosis are characteristic.