Clinical Gastroenterology Vol.18 No.2(7)

Theme Significance, Problems, and Future Prospect of the Gastric Cancer Treatment Guideline
Title Development and Future Direction of Chemotherapy for Advanced Gastric Cancer
Publish Date 2003/02
Author Kiyomi Mera Division of Digestive Endoscopy and Gastrointestinal Oncology, National Cancer Center Hospital East
Author Atsushi Ohtsu Division of Digestive Endoscopy and Gastrointestinal Oncology, National Cancer Center Hospital East
[ Summary ] Chemotherapy for advanced gastric cancer has displayed definite survival benefits compared with the best supportive care based on several randomized controlled trials. However, standard regimens that are superior in respect to survival for 5-FU alone have not been established. Recent development of novel anti-cancer drugs, such as S-1, CPT-11 and taxanes have provided clear improvements in overall response rates. At the present time, a randomized controlled trial for advanced gastric cancer employing 5-FU vs S-1 vs CPT-11 is underway in Japan to clarify whether these new regimens demonstrate increased survival benefits as compared to 5-FU alone. Furthermore, molecular targeted agents such, as inhibitors of EGFR, are now being developed in clinical trials. Chemotherapy for advanced gastric cancer shows promise.