Clinical Gastroenterology Vol.17 No.11(2-2)

Theme Pepsinogen -- Basic, Clinical Implications, and Epidemiology
Title Serum Pepsinogen Mass Screening in Adachi City
Publish Date 2002/10
Author Shunmei Furihata Tokyo Health Service
[ Summary ] This study was carried out to investigate the effectiveness of two gastric cancer screening programs-in terms of local governmental administration policy. Mass screening for gastric cancer, using indirect photofluorography under the Health and Medical Service Law for the aged has been performed by Adachi-ku (city), a local government precinct in Tokyo with a population of 640 thousand.
Since 1996, new types of mass screening, using serum pepsinogen, have been carried out in Adachi-ku as a matter of voluntary internal policy. The total number of examinees (40, 50 and 60 year old citizens) screened for this marker was 29,464 (screening rate for examiners, 96.5%). Thirty seven cases (sensitivity 0.13%) of gastric cancer were detected over a 5-year period (1996 - 2000). Out of these cases, 27 (i.e. 73%) had early stage cancer.
The cost of gastric cancer screening with the serum pepsinogen method was \7,178,000 per year. This is considerably less than that with indirect photofluorography (\14,115,000 per year from 1992 to 1995).