Clinical Gastroenterology Vol.17 No.1(1-7)

Theme Imaging Diagnostics of Liver Disease
Title Clinical Usefulness of 3-Dimensional Ultrasonographic Imaging in Patients with Hepatic Disease
Publish Date 2002/01
Author Hitoshi Tochio Section of Abdominal Ultrasound, Kobe City General Hospital
Author Yoshihiro Okabe Division of Gastroenterology, Kobe City General Hospital
[ Summary ] The newest ultrasound equipment can display a clear 3-dimensional image in a short time. In the liver, the usefulness of 3-dimensional ultrasonic diagnosis is that a pathological change is easy to assess and this information can be translated more objectively. With 3-dimensional displays, using B mode images, it is possible to stereographically observe the structure of intrahepatic vessels, the state of liver parenchyma and the liver surface, the shape of neoplasms, and the relative position between neoplasms and intrahepatic vessels. In 3-dimensional displays, using color or power Doppler methods and by combining these Doppler methods with B mode images, it is possible to assess peculiar intrahepatic hemodynamics, to depict tumor vessels, and to evaluate abnormalities in blood flow relevant to unusual echogenic regions.