Clinical Gastroenterology Vol.16 No.1(2-2)

Theme Imaging in Pancreatic Disease
Title Three-dimensional(3D) CT of the Pancreas
Publish Date 2001/01
Author Eii Karasawa Institute of Gastroenterology, Tokyo Women's Medical university
Author Ken Takahashi Institute of Gastroenterology, Tokyo Women's Medical university
Author Naoaki Hayashi Institute of Gastroenterology, Tokyo Women's Medical university
[ Summary ] In summary, Three-dimensional (3D)-CT made it possible to demonstrate clear anatomical relationships between pancreatic tumors and the portal or splenic veins, by intravenous contrast injection. It is applicable for the diagnosis of abnormalities of the portal system and arterial system, such as in cases of pancreatic carcinomas. The relationship between 3D-CT and angiography was evaluated in extensions of pancreatic carcinoma. In the major arteries, consistency of both modalities accounted for 72% of the cases. In portal vein systems, consistency of both modalities accounted for 83%. Shaded Volume Rendering was superior to Shaded Surface Display for delineating vascular and bile duct structures.
CT endoscopy is expected to be useful for the evaluation of pancreatic abnormalities. It seems to be useful for a detailed diagnosis of the junction form, some care is necessary for contrast administration. From these results, it is reasonable to conclude that these devices contribute considerably to the improvement of 3D-CT imaging of pancreatic diseases.