Clinical Gastroenterology Vol.15 No.8(1-3)

Theme Benign Lesions of Rectum and Anus
Title Mucosal Prolapse Syndrome
Publish Date 2000/07
Author Tetsuo Yamana Coloproctology Center, Social Health Insurance Hospital
Author Junichi Iwadare Coloproctology Center, Social Health Insurance Hospital
[ Summary ] Mucosal prolapse syndrome(MPS) describes a symptom complex consisting of rectal bleeding, mucous discharge, tenesmus, and a feeling of obstructed defecation. The etiology of this obscure disorder is unknown, however, anterior mucosal prolapse, resulting from straining at defecation, is one of the key factors. Macroscopic findings, from ulcerated to polypoidal lesions are varied. Microscopic findings are characterized by fibromuscular obliteration, and profound submucosal fibrosis with thickened muscularis mucosa in the lamina propria. The focus of the treatment is to try to prevent straining at bowel movement, by using laxatives and dietary fiber supplements. Local excision, is indicated for a prolapsed polypoidal lesion. The Gant-Miwa-Thiersch procedure or open rectopexy, is advocated for patients with MPS with complete rectal prolapse.