Clinical Gastroenterology Vol.15 No.8(1-1)

Theme Benign Lesions of Rectum and Anus
Title Perineal Descent Syndrome
Publish Date 2000/07
Author Tatsuo Teramoto 1st Department of Surgery, Toho University School of Medicine
Author Yoshifusa Torigoe 1st Department of Surgery, Toho University School of Medicine
[ Summary ] Patients with perineal descent on straining have been defined, as those for whom difficulty of defecation appears to be the initiating factor. Straining on defecation results in bulging of the anterior rectal mucosa and prolapse towards the anal canal, which simulates formation of a fecal bolus, causing patients to strain excessively. A vicious circle may cause prineal descent and aggravate mucosal prolapse, from further straining, which may lead to secondary neuropathic changes in the pudendal nerve. Pudendal nerve neuropathy leads to rectal prolapse or fecal incontinence. This complex of symtoms has been called the perineal descent.