Clinical Gastroenterology Vol.15 No.6(11)

Theme Endoscopic Stenting for Digestive Diseases
Title Comparison of Transpapillary and Transhepatic Biliary Stenting for Malignant Biliary Obstruction
Publish Date 2000/06
Author Katsumi Kimura Department of Gastroenterology, Seudai City Medical Center
[ Summary ] Transpapillary biliary stenting can be carried out immediately after ERCP. On the other hand, PTBD, external drainage, is needed prior to percutaneous transhepatic biliary stenting. EBD offers more rapid decompression of the biliary system and fewer procedure related complications than PTBD. EBD is also superior to PTBD in some other respects, such as maintenance of body fluid balance, the promotion of digestion and absorption, management of the drainage catheter and maintenance of QOL for patients. Moreover, EBD can be performed even when the biliary tree is not extremely dilated or where massive ascites exist. The major advantage of PTBD is its higher success rate associated with biliary drainage procedures. The route of biliary stenting should be selected according to the overall diagnosis or plan of treatment.