Clinical Gastroenterology Vol.14 No.8(3-1)

Theme Laser Endoscopy in Theory and Practice --Perspective of GI Endoscopy in the 21st Century
Title The Mechanisms of Tumor-localizing Capacity of Porphyrins and Their Application for Tumor Diagnosis and Treatment
Publish Date 1999/07
Author Susumu Nakajima Division of Surgical Operation, Asahikawa Medical College
[ Summary ] Important factors associated with tumor tissue affinity to porphyrins were explained in relationship to their strong affinity for lipo-proteins and active endocytosis in cancer cells associated with enhancement of LDL and transferrin receptor activities. Recently, specifically connected glycoproteins such as hemopexin have been noted as carriers of porphyrin. A second generation photosensitizer ATX-S1O (Na) which has a strong photo dynamic treatment effect and rapid clearance from normal tissue is expected as a new tumor fluorescnece diagnostic tool, along with the widely clinical application for PDT.