Clinical Gastroenterology Vol.14 No.4(3)

Theme NSAID and GI tract
Title Endoscopic Diagnosis of NSAIDs --induced Gastric Lesions
Publish Date 1999/04
Author Atsushi Maeda The Institute of Geriatrics, Tokyo Women's Medical University
[ Summary ] Conditions associated with gastric lesions, due to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), include erosion (hemorrhagic erosion, erosions, furry white) and ulcers. Of the gastric lesions due to oral administration of NSAIDs, 38.7% were only erosions, and 61.3% were ulcerous. However, all gastric lesions due to transrectal administration (suppositories) of NSAIDS were ulcerous. Endoscopically, gastric ulcers induced by NSAIDS were more often found to be irregular in shape, and occurred as multiple lesions compared to ordinary gastric ulcers. They arose more frequently in the antrum and the body of the stomach but were not observed in the incisura angularis, which is a common site for ordinary gastric ulcers. Also, as many people were asymptomatic, periodic en-doscopic follow-up is necessary.