Clinical Gastroenterology Vol.14 No.1(5-2)

Theme Insertion Technique for Colonoscopy
Title Insertion Technique "One Man Method" with the Twisting and Shortening
Publish Date 1999/01
Author Eisai Cho Department of Gastroenterology, Kyoto Second Red Cross Hospital
[ Summary ] We performed colonoscopies using a coordinated maneuver between left hand operations, with the control unit, and right hand movements, with the tip of the scope. Insertion procedures are performed as follows : 1) digital examination of the rectum, 2) insertion from the anus to the rectosigmoid junction, 3) insertion from the sigmoid colon into the descending colon, 4) shortening the sigmoid colon and straightening the colon from the rectum to the descending colon, 5) insertion from the descending colon, via the splenic flexure into the middle portion of the transverse colon, 6) insertion from the middle portion of the transverse colon via the hepatic flexure, into the ascending colon, 7) insertion from the ascending colon to the cecum, and 8) insertion from the ileocecal valve into the terminal ileum. Using the above procedures, the location of the tip of the scope can be known. The examiners need to find the lumen promptly while it is kept deflated. The manuevers, using the shortening of the scope, and extra-abdominal pressure, are helpful for advancing the movement of the scope. Moreover, colonoscopists should monitor the bowel preparation and the inspection of the scope before every examination for effortless colonoscopy.