Clinical Gastroenterology Vol.13 No.9(1)

Theme Inflammation of Gastric Mucosa
Title Diagnosis and Significance of Neutrophil Infiltration
Publish Date 1998/08
Author Hiroyoshi Ota Shinshu University School of Medicine
Author Tsutomu Katsuyama Shinshu University School of Medicine
[ Summary ] Chemical mediators and cytokines produced in H.pylori- and NSAIDs-related gastric lesions induce production of adhesion molecules and activate neutrophils. Lysozomal enzymes and oxygen radicals derived from activated neutrophils play an important role in producing lesions in H.pylori- and NSAIDs-related gastric lesions. Neutrophils infiltrating in the inflammed gastric mucosa can be specifically stained with immunostaining for neutrophil elastase (DAKO,NP57). Molecular analysis of inflammatory reactions in the gastric mucosa will clarify the mechanism of gastritis.