Clinical Gastroenterology Vol.13 No.3(5)

Theme Malignant Lymphoma of the GI Tract
Title Radiologic Diagnosis of Primary Malignant Lymphomas of the Digestive Tract
Publish Date 1998/03
Author Shin-ichi Ogata Department of Internal Medicine, Cancer Institute Hospital
Author Yasumasa Baba Total Health Care Center, Cancer Instituteence
[ Summary ] Primary malignant lymphomas (MLs) of the digestive tract are categorized as extranodal lymphomas and many cases are B-cell lymphomas. Though mainly MLs occur in the stomach, only 1% of all malignant tumors involve the stomach. Recently, Isaacson et al proposed MALT (mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue) lymphoma. Most primary MLs of the digestive tract and RLH (reactive lymphoreticular hyperplasia) of the stomach are regarded as MALT lymphomas. Though traditional pathohistological classifications of MLs are based on growth pattern and shape, mainly the size of cells, the concept of MALT lymphomas proposed by Isaacson et al is consistent with their occurrence. Thus, there is no agreement that MALT lymphomas are an independent disease. We describe herein the radiologic diagnosis of primary malignant lymphomas of the digestive tract and present some cases.