Clinical Gastroenterology Vol.13 No.2(7-2)

Theme Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis
Title Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis -- Surgical Treatment
Publish Date 1998/02
Author Tsutomu Tomioka Department of Surgery II, Nagasaki University School of Medicine
[ Summary ] Six patients with PSC were surgically managed, as follows. Five patients had a Roux-en-Y hepaticojejunal anastomosis after stricture resections (4 patients) or resection of the left lobe (1 patient). One patient was managed by the external drainage method for 4 years. Five patients have improved and are well after a median follow-up period of 81 months. One patient died of cholangiocarcinoma ten years after the diagnosis of PSC.
Surgical management of the localized type of PSC can yield good results. Furthermore, the external drainage method for the diffuse type of PSC is palliative and is the optimally effective method before liver transplantation.