Clinical Gastroenterology Vol.13 No.12(1)

Theme Gastorointestinal Diseases --from the Standpoint of Psychosomatic Medicine
Title Etiological Aspects and Clinical Treatments for Psychosomatic Disease
Publish Date 1998/11
Author Shinobu Tsurugano Department of Psychosomatic Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University of Tokyo
Author Tomifusa Kuboki Department of Psychosomatic Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University of Tokyo
[ Summary ] Psychosomatic diseases (PSD) are defined as physical conditions affected by multiple psychososial factors. The etiology of PSD consists of the investigation of the biological and psychological pathogenesis of diseases, e.g.stress-induced physiological reactions, alexithymic personality, inappropriate behaviour and cognitive distortion. Medical and psychological treatments are requested for PSD patients suffering from psychosomatic symptoms. Doctors concerned with PSD patients need to take a; "bio-psycho-socio-ethical approarch".