Clinical Gastroenterology Vol.13 No.1(3-2)

Theme Treatment of Crohn's Disease
Title Nutritional Intervention for Crohn's Disease
Publish Date 1998/01
Author Masakazu Takazoe Department of Internal Medicine, The Social Health Insurance Medical Center
[ Summary ] There are different phases of therapy for Crohn's disease ("CD") 1) Nutritional intervention, 2) Medication, primarily 5-ASA, 3) Operation, 4) Patient-Medical staff communication.
With the recent introductions of 5-ASA and/or Anti TNF-alpha antibody, therapeutic methods for CD are tending to undergo remarkable change. However, because no therapy like medication or operation is sufficient alone when we aim for total care of CD patients in daily clinical practice, we perform nutritional intervention simultaneously.
We describe herein the roles, as well as meaning, of Nutritional Intervention, especially Elemental Nutrition from the viewpoints of 1) Supplementation and 2) Primary therapy.