Clinical Gastroenterology Vol.12 No.8(2-1)

Theme Kampo Medicine : New Trends in GI Therapoitics
Title Treatment of Abnormal Sensation in the Throat with Oriental Medicine
Publish Date 1997/07
Author Mikikazu Yamagiwa Matsusaka Chuo Hospital
[ Summary ] In western medicine, patients complaining of abnormal sensations in the throat have been treated mainly with sedatives. Unfortunately, quite a few cases are resistant to this treatment and become intractable. In oriental medicine, such patients have been described in Jin kui yao lue, a medical text compiled in 219, and Hange-koboku-to is listed in this ancient text as a medicine for females with the aforementioned sensation.
Without employing the traditional methods of diagnosis described in oriental medical texts, the author has successfully treated male patients with Saiko-ka-ryukotsu-borei-to, female patients with Hange-koboku-to and patients of both sexes with Saiboku-to.
The results obtained support the claims, by many modern investigators of oriental medicine, that these compounds can readily cure the condition of abnormal sensations in the throat.