Clinical Gastroenterology Vol.12 No.5(2)

Theme Current Topics in Hepatitis viruses
Title Mutations in the S Gene of HBV DNA from Persistent Carriers with Co-existent HBsAg and Anti-HBs
Publish Date 1997/05
Author Yoshihiro Akahane First Department of Internal Medicine, Yamanashi Medical University
Author Hiroki Kohno First Department of Internal Medicine, Yamanashi Medical University
[ Summary ] Anti-HBs escape mutants typically arise in persons who have received hepatitis B vaccine with or without immunoglobulins. Escape mutants can also occur natu-rally, that is without such artificial immune pressure.To evaluate the mechanisms for co-occurrence of HBsAg and anti-HBs in persistent carriers, We sequenced the envelope gene of HBV DNA. Clones from four of five patients had various missense mutations involving codon 124-147 of the S gene which forms the common antigenic determinant "a". In addition, there were in-phase deletions in the 5'-terminal part of the pre-S2 region in HBV DNA. This may lead to decreased expression of HBsAg at the transcriptional level.