Clinical Gastroenterology Vol.12 No.4(5-2)

Theme Duodenal Tumors
Title Early Duodenal Cancer
Publish Date 1997/04
Author Hiroya Takiuchi The Second Department of Internal Medicine, Osaka Medical College
Author Ken-ichi Katsu The Second Department of Internal Medicine, Osaka Medical College
[ Summary ] Early duodenal cancer has been increasing over the ten year period, to date, in Japn. Unfortunately, although some progress has been made in techniques for diagnosis of early duodenal cancer and adenoma, there is no entirely reliable method of differentiating adenoma from cancer in adenoma. Therefore, some duodenal adenomas contain malignant portions, even if these lesions are diagnosed as adenoma by biopsy. From the diagnostic and therapeutic points of view, we recommend endoscopic mucosal resection for early duodenal cancer and adenoma.