Clinical Gastroenterology Vol.12 No.4(4)

Theme Duodenal Tumors
Title Leiomyoma and Leiomyosarcoma of the Duodenum
Publish Date 1997/04
Author Tohru Niihara Department of Internal Medicine, Nanpu Hospital
Author Hiroto Nishimata Department of Internal Medicine, Nanpu Hospital
[ Summary ] Myogenic tumors of the duodenum, including leiomyoma, leiomyosarcoma and leiomyoblastoma, are comparatively rare. It is often difficult to make a differential diagnosis between malignant and benignlesions. We have reviewed clinical and clinicopathological findings in cases reported in Japan. The findings, including, size larger than 5cm, exoenteric growth, ulceration, fistula formation, hemorrhage and necrosis, were suggestive of malignancy. Furthermore, the most important histological criterion determining whether a given tumor is benign or malignant, was found to be the frequency of mitotic figures. However, in cases showing some of the clinicopathological findings characteristic of malignancy, even if the lesion was histologically diagnosed as being benign, careful follow-up is recommended.