Clinical Gastroenterology Vol.12 No.13(9)

Theme Carcinoma in Remnant Stomach
Title Gastric Cancer in the Gastric Tube following Esophagectomy for Cancer of the Esophagus
Publish Date 1997/12
Author Toru Kumanohoso First Department of Surgery, Kagoshima University
Author Takashi Aikou First Department of Surgery, Kagoshima University
[ Summary ] Ninety-five cases of gastric cancer in the gastric tube following esophagectomy for cancer of the esophagus have been reported, to date, in Japan. Many of these patients died within one year following surgery because of advanced gastric cancer.
Recently, however, the incidence of early gastric cancer cases detected by endoscopy after the operation has increased. We treated 4 cases of gastric cancer in the gastric tube after esophagectomy. A 57-year old man under-went routine endoscopic examination and was diag-nosed with early gastric cancer in the gastric tube. The patient has been well for more than 4 years and 6 months since undergoing partial gastrectomy.
Endoscpic observations allowing early detection of gastric cancer before and after an esophageal cancer operation are necessary to assure a good prognosis.