Clinical Gastroenterology Vol.12 No.10(9)

Theme Advanced Therapy Ulcerative Colitis
Title Treatment and Follow-up of Mild Ulcerative Colitis
Publish Date 1997/09
Author Hideyuki Kishi Third Department of Internal Medicine
Author Sumio Fujinuma Third Department of Internal Medicine
[ Summary ] Therapy for ulcerative colitis is selected on the basis of clinical severity. Mild cases are treated mainly with salicylazosulfapyridine and mesalazine. If there is no response, patients with proctitis-type disease are concomitantly given betamethasone suppositories and those with left-sided colonic involvement are given prednisolone enema therapy. Even after remission, patients should be carefully observed. A good patient-physician relationship, continuation of maintenance therapy, and periodic follow-up examinations are essential to successful long-term management of this disease.
Regardless of clinical severity, patients with mild ulcerative colitis who have repeated flare-ups should receive the next therapeutic step, if indicated by endoscopic findings and clinical course.