Clinical Gastroenterology Vol.34 No.4(3-1)

Theme Obesity and Digestive Organ
Title GERD and Obesity
Publish Date 2019/04
Author Tomohide Tanabe Department of Gastroenterology, Nippon Medical School
Author Katsuhiko Iwakiri Department of Gastroenterology, Nippon Medical School
[ Summary ] CT colonography; CTC has been rapidly introduced in many facilities in recent years. Many large-scale clinical studies have found that the ability to pick up colon lesions is not inferior to colonoscopy. CTC has already established its position as a precision examination for patients who have positive fecal occult blood tests in check-up colon cancer screening. However, in order to obtain the same diagnostic accuracy regardless of who visits any facility throughout Japan, it is necessary for all physicians to understand the characteristics of CTC. In this paper, we describe the standard interpretation method at the present time and the method for creating clear reports.