Clinical Gastroenterology Vol.33 No.8(8)

Theme Surveillance after Treatment for Colorectal Tumors
Title Surveillance for High Risk Cases of Colorectal Cancer with Lynch Syndrome
Publish Date 2018/07
Author Akiko Chino Digestive Endoscopy of Cancer Institute Hospital, Japanese Foundation for Cancer Research
Author Yusuke Nishikawa Digestive Endoscopy of Cancer Institute Hospital, Japanese Foundation for Cancer Research
Author Chihiro Yasue Digestive Endoscopy of Cancer Institute Hospital, Japanese Foundation for Cancer Research
Author Daisuke Ide Digestive Endoscopy of Cancer Institute Hospital, Japanese Foundation for Cancer Research
Author Shoichi Saito Digestive Endoscopy of Cancer Institute Hospital, Japanese Foundation for Cancer Research
Author Masahiro Igarashi Digestive Endoscopy of Cancer Institute Hospital, Japanese Foundation for Cancer Research
[ Summary ] Lynch syndrome is a high-risk type of colon cancer due to germline pathological mutations in mismatched repair genes. Patients genetically diagnosed at our hospital during colorectal cancer surgery receive guidance for endoscopic surveillance once or two years after surgery. Of seventy six cases with metachronous cancer discovered during surveillance, sixteen cases with lesions that could be cured by endoscopic treatment, those Tis cancer or T1a cancer at the time of discovery were found to have sixteen lesions. The average time was fourteen months; the shortest eight months and up to thirty six months. Meanwhile, the average interval between tests in cases where adaptive lesions requiring surgical treatment were found was seventy four months the shortest was nine months and the longest two handred and forty months). Half (eleven cases) had led to the discovery of colon cancer at different times during examinations over a twenty four month period. Surveillance for high-risk cases of colorectal cancer will be systematically organized and studied. More Lynch syndrome contemporaneous lesions will be treated endoscopically.