臨牀透析 Vol.18 No.8(2-4-9)

特集名 薬物・毒物中毒と血液浄化法(症例集)
題名 [中毒症例]IV. その他 (9) 砒素
発刊年月 2002年 07月
著者 李 嘉明 井上病院内科
著者 田所 正人 長崎市立病院成人病センター内科
著者 田浦 幸一 長崎市立病院成人病センター内科
【 要旨 】 28歳,男性.自殺目的で致死量の約5倍の亜砒酸ナトリウムを服用し,24時間後に当院へ搬送された.入院時に嘔気,腹痛,眩暈を訴え,強いニンニク臭を認めた.無尿状態で利尿剤に反応なく,血圧低下,頻脈より末梢循環不全と考えた.経過中に不穏,振戦,項部硬直,意識レベルの低下が出現し,手足蒼白と爪横白線(Aldrich-Mee's line),皮疹および落屑を認めた.さらに,骨髄穿刺にて骨髄球系の成熟障害とともに免疫グロプリン値の低下がみられた.チオ硫酸ナトリウム,Bal療法と血液透析療法の併用により,砒素血中濃度は21.4micro-g/dlから2.8micro-g/dlまで低下し,尿中砒素濃度もそれに遅れて基準値以下となった.その後,症状はゆっくりと改善し,53病日後に退院となった.チオ硫酸ナトリウム,Bal療法と血液透析の併用が著効し退院に導けた.
Theme Intoxication of Drugs and Poisons and Blood Purification Therapy (Case Report)
Title Acute arsenic intoxication treated with sodium thiosulfate, BAL and dialysis therapy
Author Yoshiaki Lee Inoue Hospital
Author Masato Tadokoro Department of Medicine, Nagasaki Municipal Medical Center
Author Koichi Taura Department of Medicine, Nagasaki Municipal Medical Center
[ Summary ] A 28-year-old man was transferred to our hospital 24 hours after ingesting about five times the lethal dosage of sodium arsenite for the purpose of suicide. Nausea, abdominal pain, and dizziness had developed when the patient was admitted to our hospital, and a strong garlic smell was detected. He was found to have anuresis without a response to diuretics, decreased blood pressure with tachycardia, and was thought to have peripheral circulatory collapse. A decrease in sedation, hand tremor, stiffness in the neck, paleness the hands and feet, and a decrease in sensorium levels appeared during the clinical course. A horizontal white line under the fingernails, known as Adrich-Mee's line, appeared on the fourth day. Exanthesis, and desquamation were observed. In addition, immunological studies showed a decrease in immunoglobulin values, and a degree of disorder in the myelocyte system was found by bone marrow aspiration. By using sodium thiosulfate, BAL, and hemodialysis, the arsenic concentration in the blood decreased from 21.4micro-g/dl to 2.8micro-g/dl. The decrease in arsenic concentration in the urine was delayed, but consequently fell below the standard value also. The symptoms gradually improved, and the patient was discharged after fifty-three days.