臨牀透析 Vol.18 No.8(2-4-1)

特集名 薬物・毒物中毒と血液浄化法(症例集)
題名 [中毒症例]IV. その他 (1) サリン
発刊年月 2002年 07月
著者 横山 啓太郎 東京慈恵会医科大学腎臓・高血圧内科
【 要旨 】 東京地下鉄テロで虎の門病院には213名(男性139名,女性74名)の患者が来院した.213名のうちコリンエステラーゼ抑制に伴う症状である咳,鼻水,縮瞳を認めたのは166例で,縮瞳は89%ともっとも高率に認められた症状であった.薬物療法にて臨床症状が改善しなかった2例に,hemodiafiltration(HDF)あるいはhemoperfusion(HP)を施行し,劇的な臨床症状の改善とコリンエステラーゼ活性の上昇を認めた.その効果を考えたときに次の機序が考えられる.(1) 残存しているサリンの除去,(2) pralidoxime iodide(PAM)とサリン-コリンエステラーゼ複合体の結合促進,(3) コリン作動性の毒性である.したがってコリンエステラーゼ活性低下を認めなくとも,とくにPAMの有効性が期待できない意識障害を呈した症例には,積極的に血液浄化法を施行する必要があると思われた.
Theme Intoxication of Drugs and Poisons and Blood Purification Therapy (Case Report)
Title Blood purification for severe sarin poisoning after the Tokyo subway attack
Author Keitaro Yokoyama Department of Internal Medicine, Devision of Nephrology and Hypertension, Jikei University School of Medicine
[ Summary ] The sarin terrorist attack that took place in the Tokyo subways on March 20, 1995 produced more than 5,000 victims and 12 deaths. Sarin is an organo phosphate chemical warfare agent which inhibits systemic cholinesterase. Two hundred and thirteen patients were seen at our hospital. Pupillary constriction (characteristic of sarin poisoning) was observed in the majority of the patients. In 8% of the patients serum cholinesterase activity decreased with hypokalemia. We encountered one patient with severe sarin poisoning, resistant to this pharmacologic therapy, whose condition significantly improved following blood purification. A 45-year-old female was brought to our hospital approximately 2 hours following the gas attack because of severe pulmonary edema and deep coma. Routine hematologic and biochemical tests revealed no abnormalities except for decreased cholinesterase activity at 0.4pH (normal>0.7pH). Following admission, atropine sulfate and the sarin antagonist pralidoximeiodide (PAM) were infused, but there was no clinical improvement. Six hrs after intoxication, the patient underwent hemodiafiltration (HDF) for 4 hrs followed by hemoperfusion (HP) with a Hemosorba CH-350 (Asahi Medical, Tokyo, Japan). After these blood purification procedures, she regained consciousness and her pupillary constriction improved. The cholinesterase activity increased to 1.2pH from 0.4pH. Only the patient who underwent blood purification showed such a dramatic improvement in symptoms and a rapid increase in cholinester ase activity. PAM is only thought to be effective when used within 6 hrs of intoxication and to have no action against the central effects of sarin poisoning, because it does not readily cross the blood-brain barrier. Our findings suggest that early blood purification should be considered in patients with sarin poisoning resistant to standard drug therapy, particularly in those with severe intoxication and central nervous system symptoms.