腎と骨代謝 Vol.32 No.4(7)

特集名 軟部組織の石灰化 ─ 血管と心臓弁
題名 酸化ストレスと血管石灰化
発刊年月 2019年 10月
著者 山田 俊輔 九州大学病院腎・高血圧・脳血管内科
著者 荒瀬 北斗 九州大学大学院病態機能内科学
著者 中野 敏昭 九州大学病院腎・高血圧・脳血管内科
【 要旨 】 血管石灰化はCKD患者の生命予後を規定する重要な合併症である.CKD患者では動脈の内膜と中膜の石灰化を高頻度に合併する.血管石灰化はCKDで観察されるさまざまな病態によって促進され,なかでも酸化ストレスは内膜と中膜の石灰化のいずれも促進することが示されている.酸化ストレスは血管石灰化の進展に重要な,血管平滑筋細胞の形質変化とアポトーシス,エラスチンの断片化,基質小胞の生成・分泌などさまざまな経路を促進する.基礎研究に限れば,抗酸化薬が血管石灰化の進展を抑制することが実証されている.今後,抗酸化薬および抗酸化作用を有する薬剤が血管石灰化を予防し,生命予後を改善させるかどうかについて臨床知見を積み上げる必要がある.
Theme Ectopic calcification on soft tissue: Vascular calcification and cardiac valvular calcification
Title Oxidative stress and vascular calcification
Author Shunsuke Yamada Nephrology, Hypertention and Strokology, Kyushu University Hospital
Author Hokuto Arase Department of Medicine and Clinical Science, Graduate School of Mediccal Sciences, Kyushu University
Author Toshiaki Nakano Nephrology, Hypertention and Strokology, Kyushu University Hospital
[ Summary ] Vascular calcification, highly prevalent in patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD), is closely associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular mortality. In CKD patients, both intimal and medial calcification are accentuated. A variety of pathogeneses observed in uremic milieu play critical roles in the progression of vascular calcification in CKD. In this chapter, we focused on the impact of oxidative stress on uremic vascular calcification. Oxidative stress is increased in CKD and greatly contributes to the pathogenesis of various organ dysfunction related to the uremic milieu. Based on previous reports, oxidative stress is involved in both intimal and medial calcification and induces transdifferentiation of vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs), apoptosis of VSMCs, degradation of extracellular matrix and synthesis and secretion of matrix vesicles. All these calcifying processes accelerate deposition of hydroxyapatite around the extracellular matrix. In clinical practice, some of the anti-oxidants are reported to be effective for the prevention of cardiovascular events. However, few studies have focused on the impact of antioxidants on vascular calcification in patients with CKD. Future studies should be directed towards answering the query whether antioxidants prevent vascular calcification and reduce the risk for mortality in CKD population.