腎と骨代謝 Vol.30 No.2(3)

特集名 骨粗鬆症マネジメント update
題名 骨粗鬆症の予防
発刊年月 2017年 03月
著者 石橋 英明 愛友会伊奈病院整形外科/高齢者運動器疾患研究所
【 要旨 】 高齢者の骨粗鬆症性骨折の低減は,高齢化が今後も進行するわが国において健康寿命の延伸に直結する重要な課題といえる.骨折の予防には,骨粗鬆症の予防と転倒予防が重要である.骨粗鬆症の予防は,成長期の適切な運動と栄養摂取により骨量増加を最大化すること,若年成人期以降に骨量低下を防ぐことが重要である.栄養については,たんぱく質,カルシウム,ビタミンD,ビタミンKの十分な摂取が重要である.運動については,中~高強度の運動,衝撃運動,ジャンプ運動などが有効とされる.また,中高年期には,骨密度の低下,症状のない椎体骨折を積極的な検診,検査で早期に察知することとともに,運動習慣,十分な栄養摂取に留意しながら適切な薬物治療を行う必要がある.
Theme Management of osteoporosis : an update
Title Prevention of osteoporosis
Author Hideaki Ishibashi Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Ina Hospital / The Orthopaedic Institute for the Elderly
[ Summary ] Reduction of osteoporotic fractures in elderly people is an important issue in Japan, due to the aging of our population. It is directly linked to the extension of healthy life spans. To prevent fractures, we need to prevent osteoporosis and falls. To prevent osteoporosis, it is important to maximize bone mass increase during the growth phase by encouraging appropriate exercise and nutritional intake. These measures should be taken in early adulthood, to prevent bone loss later. Nutrition, including sufficient intake of protein, calcium, vitamin D, and vitamin K is important. In terms of exercise, middle to high intensity exercise, motion including impact, and jumping are effective in maintaining bone mass. In middle to old age, attention should be paid to exercise habits and sufficient nutrition intake, as well as checking bone mineral density with spinal x-rays during checkups to detect osteoporosis and asymptomatic vertebral fractures.