腎と骨代謝 Vol.29 No.4(9)

連載名 特別寄稿
題名 イタイイタイ病と腎臓─カドミウムによる多発性近位尿細管機能異常症の病態と経過─
発刊年月 2016年 10月
著者 青島 恵子 継和会萩野病院
著者 小椋 陽介 全仁会上野病院
【 要旨 】 重金属カドミウム(Cd)の曝露による生体への影響として,もっとも早期に惹起される多発性近位尿細管機能異常症(Cd腎症)の疫学,発症機序,病態,経過・予後,スクリーニングに関して,富山県の神通川流域Cd汚染地域住民を対象とした研究成果を中心に報告した.水田汚染土壌復元による自家産米経由のCd曝露軽減にもかかわらず,Cd腎症の長期持続を認めた.尿酸,カルシウム,ナトリウム排泄率は,きわめて軽症の段階より亢進しており,多発性近位尿細管機能異常の病態が早期より認められた.27年間の経過観察の結果,尿β2-ミクログロブリン(β2-MG)10mg/gCr以上を呈する例では,尿細管リン再吸収機能低下,並びに糸球体濾過値(GFR)の低下を認め,GFR30ml/min未満の低下例では腎性貧血の発症を見た.尿β2-MG/クレアチニン比は単位時間排泄量と一致し,その程度は軽度から重度まで広範囲に分布し,スクリーニング並びに重症度指標として有用である.
Series Nutrition and exercise for the fracture prevention
Title Itai-itai disease and kidneys : Epidemiology, pathophysiology and clinical course in multiple proximal tubular dysfunction induced by environmental exposure to cadmium
Author Keiko Aoshima Hagino Hospital
Author Yousuke Ogura Ueno Hospital
[ Summary ] The kidneys are considered a critical organ in relation to cadmium (Cd) toxicity because the metal accumulates in the proximal tubule where it produces its earliest and most prominent toxic effect. This paper reviews the epidemiology, pathophysiology, clinical course, prognosis, and screening of Cd-nephropathy observed in the local inhabitants of the Cd-polluted Jinzu River basin in Toyama Prefecture, Japan. Although a marked decline in Cd levels in rice has been achieved due to the replacement of polluted paddy field soil, Cd-nephropathy is still prevalent and is a progressive, and irreversible condition in the older local population. A 27-year follow-up study revealed that in severe cases of Cd-nephropathy with urinary excretion of β2-microglobulin (Uβ2-MG) higher than 10 mg/gCr, decreased renal tubular reabsorption of phosphates and decreased glomerular filtration rates were evident. Therefore, continued screening and long-term monitoring of renal tubular functions as well as bone metabolism are essential for the inhabitants of this area. Large measured changes in urinary excretion of Uβ2-MG provide a very sensitive monitoring technique ; in spite of the drawback that β2-MG is unstable in acidic urine. The magnitude of Uβ2-MG is useful to grade the severity of Cd-nephropathy.