腎と骨代謝 Vol.29 No.2(7)

特集名 鉄と骨代謝
題名 慢性腎臓病患者における鉄欠乏の危険性
発刊年月 2016年 04月
著者 濱野 高行 大阪大学大学院医学系研究科腎疾患統合医療学
【 要旨 】 鉄を投与できるのはフェリチン<100ng/mlかつTSAT<20%の場合のみと謳った日本のかつての腎性貧血ガイドラインは,鉄欠乏患者を驚異的に増やした.この2条件を満たす鉄枯渇状態で鉄補充するとヘモグロビン(Hb)は急上昇し,その結果ESA は急激に減らされHbサイクリングに繫がる.貧血のない若年女性鉄欠乏者や鉄欠乏心不全患者に対する鉄投与の無作為化研究は,「貧血がなければ鉄欠乏は問題ない」という従来の鉄に対する保守的意見に異を唱える.心不全入院を抑制するのみならず鉄補充によって学習能力が改善し,むずむず脚症候群を改善させることも報告された.ESA投与だけに極度に依存する診療姿勢は,鉄欠乏を招き血小板を増加させる.また静注製剤で示されている鉄の害毒を経口鉄投与にまで外挿する合理性はない
Theme Iron and bone metabolism
Title Consequence of iron deficiency in CKD patients
Author Takayuki Hamano Department of Comprehensive Kidney Disease Research (CKDR), Osaka University Graduate School of Medicine
[ Summary ] The prior Japanese Guidelines for renal anemia published in 2008 encouraged iron administration only when "serum ferritin levels were < 100 ng/ml AND TSAT < 20 %". This dramatically increased the number of ESRD patients with iron deficiency (ID). The administration of intravenous iron to such iron-depleted patients induced rapid hemoglobin elevation. As a result, we had no choice but to reduce ESA dosage, leading to worsening "hemoglobin cycling". Randomized controlled trials involving women with non-anemic ID, as well as patients with heart failure and ID have clearly disproved the conservative notion of "no anemia, no harm." In addition to the cardioprotective effects in terms of hospitalization due to worsening heart failure, iron administration has been reported to normalize cognitive functions and symptoms of restless leg syndrome. The practice pattern prioritizing ESA exclusively over iron therapy often leads to increased platelet counts or platelet activation due to ID. No rationale exists to extrapolate the harms shown with intravenous iron administration to those with oral iron administration.