腎と骨代謝 Vol.29 No.2(3)

特集名 鉄と骨代謝
題名 鉄含有リン吸着薬
発刊年月 2016年 04月
著者 横山 啓太郎 東京慈恵会医科大学内科学講座(腎臓・高血圧内科)
【 要旨 】 Ca含有P吸着薬に加えて,ポリマー製剤,炭酸ランタンがP吸着薬として使用されている.しかしながら,Ca含有P吸着薬は異所性石灰化を惹起するリスクがあり,ポリマー製剤であるセベラマー塩酸塩は消化器症状を起こすことがまれではない.炭酸ランタンも蓄積性が問題となる.鉄がP吸着作用を有することが報告されており,P吸着薬の候補分子であった.クエン酸第二鉄,多核酸化水酸化鉄PA21,SBR759は透析患者および透析前患者においてP吸着作用を有する.
Theme Iron and bone metabolism
Title Iron-based phosphate binders
Author Keitaro Yokoyama Division of Nephrology and Hypertension, The Jikei University School of Medicine
[ Summary ] Calcium (Ca) preparations, polymer preparations and lanthanum carbonate are commonly used phosphate binders. However, Ca preparations such as calcium carbonate may induce hypercalcemia and cause ectopic calcification with long-term use. In response to this concern, polymer preparations such as sevelamer hydrochloride were developed as non-Ca phosphate binders. On the other hand, these compounds commonly cause mild gastrointestinal side effects. Lanthanum carbonate is a similar non-Ca phosphate-binder. The effects of lanthanum accumulation in the body, in bone and other tissues, is a concern with long-term use. Several studies have shown that ferric compounds have phosphate-binding capacities and have potentials as phosphate binders. Ferric citrate, PA21, a stabilized poly-nuclear iron (III) oxyhydroxide and SBR759, a polymeric complex composed of iron (III) oxide and starch have serum P-reducing effects when used for hemodialysis and predialysis CKD patients.