腎と骨代謝 Vol.28 No.3(1)

特集名 小児の骨─胎生期から思春期まで
題名 胎児期および妊娠母体におけるミネラル代謝制御
発刊年月 2015年 07月
著者 大幡 泰久 大阪大学大学院医学系研究科小児科学
【 要旨 】 妊娠後期に胎児血中カルシウム,リン濃度は母体血に比較して高値に維持され,胎児の骨格形成に寄与している.胎児期特有のミネラル代謝制御には胎盤が重要な役割を果たしており,カルシウムやリンは母体から胎児方向へ能動輸送され,胎児期のミネラル需要に応じている.ミネラル代謝を制御する種々のホルモンも,胎児期や妊娠母体,授乳期母体は非妊娠成人とは異なる濃度で維持されており,胎児期特有のミネラル代謝維持に関与している.しかし胎児期のミネラル代謝制御機構については未解明な点も多く残されている.
Theme Pediatric bone : From fetus to adolescent
Title Mineral metabolism in the fetus and pregnant mother
Author Yasuhisa Ohata Department of Pediatrics, Osaka University Graduate School of Medicine
[ Summary ] The fetal serum concentration of calcium and phosphate is higher than that in the pregnant mother, especially during late gestation. To keep these high levels of calcium and phosphate in fetus is required to achieve normal mineralization of the fetal skeleton. The placenta plays a central role in the regulation of fetal-specific mineral metabolism through the materno fetal active transport of calcium and phosphate. Moreover, the in utero regulation of some mineral metabolism-related hormones differs between pregnant and lactating women compared with non-pregnant adults, which contributes to the fetal mineral metabolism homeostasis. However, little is known about how mineral metabolism is regulated in the fetus compared with that in the adult owing to the difficulty studying human fetuses.