腎と骨代謝 Vol.28 No.2(9)

特集名 骨粗鬆症治療薬
題名 骨粗鬆症治療薬それぞれで注意すべき有害事象と長期安全性
発刊年月 2015年 04月
著者 岩本 潤 慶應義塾大学医学部スポーツ医学総合センター
【 要旨 】 超高齢社会を迎えたわが国において,骨粗鬆症に関連する骨折を抑制することは,医療従事者の責務となっており,骨粗鬆症治療薬の有害事象の発生を抑制し,骨折抑制効果を最大限に引き出すためのマネージメントが求められている.SERM,ビスホスホネート,デノスマブの短期および長期効果と安全性が報告されている.しかし,日常診療では,ビスホスホネート月1回製剤(経口,点滴,静注)の急性期反応,デノスマブによる低カルシウム血症,ビスホスホネート・デノスマブ長期使用による顎骨壊死や非定型大腿骨骨折などへの対応が必要である.
Theme Therapeutic drugs for osteoporosis
Title Adverse reactions to, and long–term safety of, pharmacotherapy for osteoporosis
Author Jun Iwamoto Institute for Integrated Sports Medicine, Keio University School of Medicine
[ Summary ] In today's aging society in Japan, preventing fragility fractures among postmenopausal women and older people with osteoporosis is the obligation of physicians, nurses, and other medical staff. Medications are necessary to prevent such fractures, and a strategy for minimizing the adverse reactions to these drugs while maximizing their anti-fracture efficacy is required. The short- and long-term efficacy and safety of selective estrogen receptor modulators, bisphosphonates, and denosumab have been previously established in clinical studies. In real-life clinical practice, however, adverse reactions to pharmacotherapy, such as acute phase reactions induced immediately after the initiation of monthly bisphosphonate therapy, hypocalcemia caused by denosumab, and osteonecrosis of the jaw and atypical femoral fractures associated with long-term bisphosphonate and denosumab therapies, should be taken into consideration and avoided at any cost.