腎と骨代謝 Vol.27 No.4(7)

特集名 CKD-MBD臨床研究
題名 CKD-MBDとマグネシウム
発刊年月 2014年 10月
著者 坂口 悠介 大阪大学大学院医学系研究科老年腎臓内科学
【 要旨 】 マグネシウム(Mg)は心血管疾患と緊密な関わりをもつ.一般住民を対象とした臨床研究において,Mg欠乏は高血圧や2型糖尿病,脂質異常症,血管内皮機能障害と関連し,心血管イベントのリスクとなることが明らかにされている.一方,心血管疾患のhigh risk groupである慢性腎臓病(CKD)患者において,Mgの臨床的意義は長らく見過ごされてきた.しかし,近年,血液透析患者でも血清Mg濃度低値は心血管予後不良と関連することが報告された.また,欧州でMg含有リン吸着薬が使用され始めたことを契機に,MgとCKD-MBDのクロストークが見直されている.とくに血管石灰化に対するMgの効果は重要と考えられる.一方,透析患者ではMg過剰状態が骨代謝に及ぼす影響を同時に勘案しなければならない.今後,CKD患者に対するMg投与の有用性が介入研究により検討される必要がある.
Theme Clinical research in the field of CKD-MBD
Title Magnesium in CKD-MBD pathophysiology
Author Yusuke Sakaguchi Department of Geriatric Medicine and Nephrology, Osaka University Graduate School of Medicine
[ Summary ] Magnesium plays a key role in numerous biological processes. Its deficiency is known to contribute to many pathological conditions. In particular, there is a close link between magnesium and cardiovascular diseases. Clinical studies in the general population have shown that magnesium deficiency is associated with hypertension, type 2 diabetes, dyslipidemia, endothelial cell dysfunction, and cardiovascular events. In patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) who are at extraordinary high risk of cardiovascular disease, however, the clinical implications of magnesium have been overlooked. Recently, it has been reported that lower serum magnesium levels were a risk for cardiovascular mortality in patients undergoing hemodialysis. In addition, a crosstalk between magnesium and mineral and bone disorders, especially vascular calcification, is being revisited mainly in European countries where magnesium containing phosphate binders have come into clinical use. Although possible adverse effects of hypermagnesemia on bone metabolism should be considered in hemodialysis patients, future interventional studies are warranted to elucidate whether magnesium supplementation is beneficial for CKD patients to improve their cardiovascular prognoses.