腎と骨代謝 Vol.27 No.2(5)

特集名 骨と多臓器連関
題名 骨と下垂体疾患
発刊年月 2014年 04月
著者 竹内 靖博 虎の門病院内分泌センター
【 要旨 】 甲状腺ホルモンやエストロゲンは骨代謝において重要な役割を果たしている.これらのホルモンを制御する下垂体前葉ホルモンのTSHとFSHも直接的に骨吸収や骨形成に関与することが示唆されている.さらに,下垂体後葉ホルモンのオキシトシンとバゾプレシンにも骨代謝調節作用のある可能性が報告されている.しかしながら,これらのホルモンが,ヒトの骨代謝においてどのような生理的役割を果たしているか不明な点も多く,今後の検討課題である.
Theme The multifaced role of bone for multisystem illness
Title Possible involvement of pituitary hormones in bone metabolism
Author Yasuhiro Takeuchi Toranomon Hospital Endocrine Center
[ Summary ] Accumulating evidence clearly indicates both thyroid hormone and estrogen play pivotal roles in bone metabolism. The pituitary hormones, TSH and FSH, regulate circulating levels of thyroid hormone and estrogen, respectively. It has been suggested that either TSH or FSH also directly affect bone cells involved in bone resorption and formation. Other pituitary hormones, such as oxytocin and vasopressin, are also thought to be involved in bone metabolism. However, a number of investigations of genetically manipulated model mice and clinical data from patients with certain diseases have provided inconsistent results. Thus, more data is required to answer the question as to whether or not pituitary hormones are physiologically or pathophysiologically involved in control of bone metabolism in humans.