腎と骨代謝 Vol.27 No.2(1)

特集名 骨と多臓器連関
題名 骨と心臓・血管疾患
発刊年月 2014年 04月
著者 倉林 正彦 群馬大学大学院医学系研究科臓器病態内科学
【 要旨 】 骨と心臓・血管疾患との間には密接な関係がある.この関係は,骨と同様に,血管壁でも骨芽細胞様の細胞によるミネラルの蓄積と破骨細胞様の細胞による吸収のバランスが恒常性に重要であることを示している.TNFαファミリーに属する三つの因子RANK(receptor activator of nuclear factor-κB),RANKリガンド(RANKL),およびオステオプロテジェリン(OPG)は,骨と免疫系の調節因子として研究が進んできたが,骨粗鬆症と血管石灰化を結ぶ役割も注目されつつある.また,骨細胞が産生するリン尿中排泄因子としてFGF23(fibroblast growth factor 23)は腎機能低下患者の独立した生命予後予測因子であることが明らかにされている.心肥大と血管石灰化におけるFGF23の役割,骨粗鬆症と血管石灰化との関連を概説した.未だ,不明なことが多く,今後の展開が楽しみである.
Theme The multifaced role of bone for multisystem illness
Title The role of bone metabolism in the cardiovascular disease
Author Masahiko Kurabayashi Department of Medicine and Biological Science, Gunma University Graduate School of Medicine
[ Summary ] Increasing body of evidence indicates the intimate interaction between bone metabolism and cardiovascular disease. Recently, physiological interactions between osteoclasts and osteoblasts have been unraveled. Receptor activator of nuclear factor kB ligand (RANKL) and RANK have been proposed as key players in this interaction. In addition, osteoprotegerin (OPG), which serves as naturally occurring decoy receptor for RANKL/RANK interaction, has been postulated to be involved in the vascular calcification as well as bone disease such as osteoporosis and metastatic bone disease.
In chronic kidney disease (CKD), high serum levels of FGF 23, phosphaturic hormone produced by osteoblasts and osteocytes, are associated with left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH), cardiovascular events, and death. The associations of FGF23 with LVH in the general population as well as hemodialysis patients have also been reported. A recent report indicated that FGF23 directly induces LVH in vivo independent of klotho. Vascular calcification is highly correlated with cardiovascular morbidity and mortality, and linked to ageing, diabetes and CKD. Many studies demonstrated that serum FGF23 levels are directly linked to vascular calcification in general and aortic calcification in particular. However, there are inconsistent reports showing no association between plasma FGF23 and coronary artery calcification in large cohorts. Whether FGF23 may represent a mediator but not a mere marker for vascular calcification remains an open question and further research will be required to better understand the pathophysiology of FGF23 in the development of vascular disease.