腎と骨代謝 Vol.27 No.1(6)

特集名 腫瘍と骨ミネラル代謝
題名 癌の骨転移に対する新たな治療と課題
発刊年月 2014年 01月
著者 遠藤 逸朗 徳島大学大学院生体情報内科学
【 要旨 】 乳癌や前立腺癌の骨転移は高頻度にみられ,これに伴う骨関連事象は患者のQOL(quality of life)低下および生命予後悪化との関連が指摘されている.一方,RANK-RANKL系を含む癌の骨転移に対する分子標的が明らかとなり,新薬の開発が進んでいる.近年,癌の骨転移患者に対してヒト型抗RANKL抗体(デノスマブ)が臨床応用されるようになり,RANK-RANKL系の活性化を阻害することが骨転移の特異的かつ有効な治療法として確立されつつある.そのほかにもカテプシンK阻害薬,Src阻害薬など新規薬剤の開発が進んでおり,今後の展開が期待される.
Theme Tumors and bone mineral metabolism
Title New therapeutic agents for bone metastasis
Author Itsuro Endo Department of Medicine and Bioregulatory Sciences, The University of Tokushima Graduate School of Medical Sciences
[ Summary ] Breast cancer and prostate cancer have a predilection for spreading to the bones. Patients with bone metastasis frequently suffer bone related events. These complications have relevance to low QOL and poor prognosis. Recently, some therapeutic targets, including the RANK-RANKL axis for bone metastasis have become clear. Based on these basic data, drugs are under development and anti-RANKL antibody has become available. Clinical research data warrant the use of anti-RANKL neutralizing antibody as a specific and more effective therapeutic agent for the treatment of bone metastasis in these patients. Cathepsin K inhibitors and Src inhibitors are also expected to become important new options for the treatment of bone metastasis.