腎と骨代謝 Vol.26 No.4(6)

特集名 副甲状腺疾患とその病態
題名 副甲状腺機能亢進症におけるFGF-23-Klotho系の意義
発刊年月 2013年 11月
著者 椎崎 和弘 Department of Pathology, The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas
著者 黒尾 誠 Department of Pathology, The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas
【 要旨 】 Klothoやfibroblast growth factor 23(FGF-23)はリンやビタミンDをおもな標的にして骨ミネラル代謝の重要な役割を担っている.この調節機構の破綻は慢性腎臓病に伴う骨ミネラル代謝異常(CKD-MBD)の発症に大きく影響している.CKD-MBDの所見の一つが二次性副甲状腺機能亢進症(SHPT)であり,この病態には腎障害に特徴的なKlothoやFGF-23の変化が関与している.
KlothoはFGF receptorと複合体を形成し,FGF-23のシグナルに必須であるため,CKDの腎臓ではKlotho発現の減少が血液中のFGF-23値の上昇をもたらす.これがビタミンDを抑制し副甲状腺機能亢進症を導く.CKDの早期では,機能するネフロン数の減少をFGF-23や副甲状腺ホルモン(PTH)の上昇により代償し,リンやカルシウムの恒常性を保っている.
Theme Parathyroid diseases and their pathogenesis
Title Role of FGF-23-Klotho in hyperparathyroidism
Author Kazuhiro Shiizaki Department of Pathology, The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas
Author Makoto Kuro-o Department of Pathology, The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas
[ Summary ] Klotho and FGF-23 play important roles in bone and mineral metabolism including endocrine regulation of phosphate and vitamin D metabolism. CKD-induced adaptation of this endocrine axis may contribute to secondary hyperparathyroidism.
Klotho is essential for FGF-23 signaling as a co-receptor of FGF receptor. Decreased Klotho expression levels in the kidneys may increase circulating FGF-23 levels. FGF-23 suppresses the activation of vitamin D, resulting in secondary hyperparathyroidism. In the early stages of CKD, increased FGF-23 and PTH levels compensate for decreased functional nephron numbers to maintain the homeostasis of phosphate and calcium.
Recent studies have revealed that PTH is also regulated by Klotho and FGF-23. It is proposed that resistance of the parathyroid glands to FGF-23 may contribute to secondary hyperparathyroidism.