腎と骨代謝 Vol.26 No.2(8)

特集名 サルコペニアと骨代謝
題名 無重力と骨量減少・サルコペニア
発刊年月 2013年 04月
著者 大島 博 宇宙航空研究開発機構宇宙医学生物学研究室
【 要旨 】 宇宙飛行の骨量減少率は,大腿骨近位部で1~2%/month(12~24%/year)と骨粗鬆症の約10倍に相当する.宇宙飛行や長期臥床では,骨吸収が亢進し,骨吸収と骨形成のアンカップリングが生じ骨量は減少し,尿中カルシウム排泄は増加する.適切な栄養,効果的な運動,および有効な薬剤を組み合わせれば,宇宙飛行の骨量減少と尿路結石のリスクは軽減できる.無重力の宇宙飛行では,抗重力筋が随意筋よりも萎縮しやすく,遅筋の速筋化が生じる.また,長期臥床の筋萎縮は,下腿三頭筋と大腿四頭筋に著しい.加齢による筋萎縮は60歳を過ぎると顕著となる.筋萎縮の対策として,宇宙飛行士は有酸素運動と筋力運動からなる運動プログラムを毎日実施し,体力と体調を維持向上させている.
Theme Sarcopenia and bone metabolism
Title Osteopenia and sarcopenia in weightlessness
Author Hiroshi Ohshima Space Biomedical Research Office, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency
[ Summary ] Bone loss and muscle atrophy are essential problems for astronauts to overcome during space flight. The proximal femoral bone loses 1.5 percent of its mass per month. Bone loss rates during space flight deserves roughly ten times as rapidly than as observed in osteoporosis patients. During space flight and prolonged bed rest, the uncoupling of bone formation and bone resorption, as well as elevated bone resorption and lack of bone formation, leads to bone loss and renal stones. The combination of sufficient nutrition, exercise protocols, and medicines such as bisphosphonate reduces the risk of space flight induced bone loss and renal stones. The volume and strength of antigravity muscles declines more than voluntary muscles. Type I slow fibers experience greater loss than type II fibers. Muscle cross-sectional areas of the knee extensors and ankle flexors decline rapidly with prolonged bed rest. Muscle strength and volume decline conspicuously more than 60 years old. Space flight exercise countermeasure programs, which consist of aerobic and resistive training, reduce the risk of muscle atrophy and weakness in astronauts during space flight. Therefore those types of regimens may also help earth-bound patients.