腎と骨代謝 Vol.26 No.2(6)

特集名 サルコペニアと骨代謝
題名 サルコペニアと栄養
発刊年月 2013年 04月
著者 葛谷 雅文 名古屋大学大学院医学系研究科(地域在宅医療学・老年科学)
【 要旨 】 加齢とともに骨格筋量が減少するが,極度に低下する現象をサルコペニアと称し,高齢者のふらつき,転倒・骨折,虚弱状態との関連で,昨今重要視されてきている.その要因はさまざまな仮説が提唱されているが,栄養,とくにタンパク質摂取量の低下が大きな要因として注目され,最近では介入研究も報告されてきている.さらにはビタミンDなどとの関連も最近注目されてきており,今後十分な栄養と適度な運動を励行することにより,サルコペニア予防が期待されている.
Theme Sarcopenia and bone metabolism
Title Nutrition and sarcopenia
Author Masafumi Kuzuya Department of Community Healthcore & Geriatrics, Nagoya University Graduate School of Medicine
[ Summary ] Prevention of sarcopenia (age-related losses in muscle mass and strength) is vital to protecting physical capabilities in old age and to enable patients to live independently. Although the exact mechanisms leading to sarcopenia remain unknown, existing evidence indicates the potential importance of diet which ensure sufficient intake of protein, amino acids, and vitamin D. Epidemiological studies suggest that insufficient intake of these nutrients are common in the elderly. Although much of this evidence is observational, the prevalence of low nutrient intake and poor economic status in older adults make this a concern for health care providers. Muscle mass and strength levels in later life are a reflection of both rates of muscle loss and optimum levels attained in early life. Therefore, efforts to prevent sarcopenia must also be made in consideration of diet during the life of the patient, as well as and the potential effectiveness of early intervention. Optimising protein and nutrition intake, along with adequate lifelong exercise may be keys to preventing sarcopenia and providing physical ability in old age.