腎と骨代謝 Vol.26 No.1(9)

連載名 Clinical Investigation
題名 シナカルセト塩酸塩と炭酸ランタンの長期併用投与は透析患者の血管石灰化の進行を抑制する
発刊年月 2013年 01月
著者 吉矢 邦彦 原泌尿器科病院腎臓内科
著者 津久田 真広 原泌尿器科病院腎臓内科
著者 安福 富彦 原泌尿器科病泌尿器科
著者 原 章二 原泌尿器科病泌尿器科
【 要旨 】 透析患者の血管石灰化は生命予後の不良因子であり,リンやカルシウムやPTHをコントロールすることで,血管石灰化の進行抑制を介して透析患者の死亡率を減少させるとされている.しかし,従来の治療方法では,透析患者の血管石灰化を抑制することは困難である.透析患者の骨密度も,従来の治療法では低下を防ぐことは困難である.
Series Clinical Investigation
Title Long-term treatment with cinacalcet and lanthanum carbonate to prevents vascular calcification in hemodialysis patients
Author Kunihiko Yoshiya Department of Nephrology, Hara Genitor-Urinary Hospital
Author Masahiro Tsukuda Department of Nephrology, Hara Genitor-Urinary Hospital
Author Tomihiko Yasufuku Department of Urology, Hara Genitor-Urinary Hospital
Author Shouji Hara Department of Urology, Hara Genitor-Urinary Hospital
[ Summary ] Vascular calcification contributes to cardiovascular disease in hemodialysis patients. Adjusting serum levels of phosphate and calcium as well as PTH to keep them within target ranges decreases mortality rates in these patients.
However, when conducting conventional treatment, it is difficult to prevent progression of vascular calcification and also difficult to maintain bone mineral density within normal ranges for hemodialysis patients.
We evaluated the effects of long-term treatment employing a combination of cinacalcet and lanthanum carbonate for 26 patients with severe secondary hyperparathyroidism over a 3.6 year time period.
Twenty-two patients achieved guideline target ranges in regard to serum phosphate, calcium and PTH levels. Deterioration of vascular calcification was significantly prevented in the third year. These results seem to suggest a degree of synergy between cinacalcet and lanthanum carbonate. However, bone mineral density did not improve with this treatment.
It is suggested that there is a possibility of improving progression of vascular calcification in hemodialysis patients by using cinacalcet and lanthanum carbonate. It is necessary to examine whether this treatment will lead to improved diagnoses.