腎と骨代謝 Vol.25 No.3(1)

特集名 ビタミンDの新たな展開
題名 栄養素としてのビタミンD
発刊年月 2012年 07月
著者 岡野 登志夫 神戸薬科大学衛生化学研究室
【 要旨 】 ビタミンD(VD)はカルシウム恒常性と骨格形成に必須な因子である.食物摂取と皮膚産生が供給源となる.適度な日照条件では必要量のVDが皮膚で産生されるが,日照条件が悪いと皮膚産生はよい供給源とならない.日照に左右されず,VD栄養状態を常に健全に保つよう食事摂取基準や食事摂取ガイドラインが策定されている.血中25-OH-D濃度がVD不足・充足の判定指標となるが,そのカットオフ値の設定は困難である.現在,50nmol/lと75nmol/lが提案されている.米国の調査では,前者を用いるとVD充足者が半分以上を占め,一方,後者を用いるとほぼすべてがVD不足者となる.血中25-OH-D濃度の正確な測定が前提である.今,これらの問題を巡って論争が繰り広げられている.
Theme New evolution of vitamin D
Title Vitamin D : essential nutrient for bone health
Author Toshio Okano Department of Hygienic Sciences, Kobe Pharmaceutical University
[ Summary ] Vitamin D is essential for calcium homeostasis and formation of skeletal tissue. Dietary intake and synthesis in the skin are the sources of vitamin D. Vitamin D requirements can be met if the skin is exposed to an appropriate amount of sunlight. However if there is a lack of exposure to sunlight, induced vitamin D synthesis in the skin will not be a good source of vitamin D. To meet the vitamin D requirements without depending on sunlight exposure, dietary reference intakes and dietary intake guidelines for vitamin D have been set in Japan and other countries. Serum 25-OH-D concentrations are considered to be an appropriate indicator for judging the state of vitamin D levels. It is difficult to determine cut-off values for this nutrient. At the present time, 50 nmol/l and 75 nmol/l are proposed as the normal cut-off levels. According to a survey conducted in the United States, if the former values were used for analysis, more than half of the population would be classified as being deficient. If the latter figure is used, most of the population would be classified as deficient. Precise and reliable measurements of 25-OH-D are required. Controversy concerning this issue is being waged in many scientific journals.